Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Update - March 12 - March 16 (Week 26)


>> LATE/ MISSING ASSIGNMENTS -- This Monday I had *A LOT* of late/ missing assignments (average of 10 students per class!). Please check EVERY DAY with your child and have your child SHOW you their finished work/ daily assignments.

**Print my weekly email and post it somewhere as a reminder for weekly assignments.

** Check everyday or every week. Sign up for email or text alerts. Grades are updated 2-3 times a week.

** Please check your child's backpack for organization.

>> HOMEWORK/ READ CHAPTER 15 and 16 -- please have your child keep studying chapters 15 and 16.

>> THIS WEEK -- this week the students are excited as they will be making short videos about their body organ project. 

Mr. Sandoval